时间:2021-05-08 18:50 来源:东方文艺网 作者:admin 点击:次
长约:39cm 宽约:36.7cm 此一幅为近现代大师韩美林精心力作《猫头鹰》,笔法细腻、神韵自然,活灵活现跃于纸上。韩美林大师的这幅作品既继承了中华民族的文化传统艺术,又吸收了西方艺术的精髓,把写实、夸张、抽象、写意、工笔、印象等诸多东方、西方艺术巧妙地融为一体,可以说是鬼斧神工,非常难得可贵,收藏价值以及升值空间都是不可估量的! This is a modern master Han Meilin elaborate work "Owl" , delicate brushwork, verve natural, vivid on paper. Master Han Meilin's work not only inherits the traditional art of the Chinese nation, but also absorbs the essence of Western art, the realism, exaggeration, abstraction, freehand brushwork, impression and many other eastern and Western art skillfully integrated, can be said to be exquisite workmanship, very precious, collection value and appreciation of space is immeasurable! 贞观集团2021年春季拍卖会将于5月28日在澳门利奥酒店华丽启幕,其中5月28、29日预展,5月30日拍卖,展览地点在珠海德翰大酒店,拍卖地点澳门利奥酒店。
(珠海德翰大酒店) (澳门利奥酒店) (责任编辑:admin) |