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直径:45.1mm 重量:38.6g


为新疆省造库平一两光绪元宝龙币银元,新疆省造光绪元宝是由新疆省银元局铸造发行流通于世的,光绪元宝一直是古钱币中的一大热点,而新疆省造光绪元宝作为大清光绪元宝中的珍品。整体品相完好,银币正面:珠圈内满汉文“光绪元宝”,上环“新疆省造”,下环“库平一两” “光绪元宝”四个字,字体俊秀。银币背背:英文字圈,正中蟠龙图,眼神灵异炯炯有神;龙鳞雕刻细密有致,腾云驾雾,身姿遒劲有力;龙爪张扬,神武有力;龙身盘踞太阳,工艺最精湛,雕工最完美,浮雕感最强烈的品种,镜面平整光滑,纹饰的相惯线,显得非常清,不失为一件珍品。目前光绪元宝银币的投资市场火热,行情大涨,极为罕见、有巨大的投资价值、及收藏价值!

1899 Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping silver coin made in Xinjiang

Guangxu Yuanbao was made in Kuping County, Xinjiang province. It was made by the Yinyuan Bureau of Xinjiang province. Guangxu Yuanbao has always been a hot spot in ancient coins, and Guangxu Yuanbao made in Xinjiang province is one of the treasures of Guangxu Yuanbao in the Qing Dynasty. The overall appearance of the coin is intact. On the obverse side of the coin, there are four characters in the Pearl circle: "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese, "made in Xinjiang Province" in the upper ring, "Kuping one or two" and "Guangxu Yuanbao" in the lower ring. Silver coin back: the English word circle, the picture of the dragon in the middle, the eyes bright and vivid; The dragon scale carving is delicate and elegant, with strong posture; The dragon's claws are open and powerful; The dragon body occupies the sun. It has the most exquisite craftsmanship, the most perfect carving, and the strongest sense of relief. The mirror surface is smooth and smooth, and the lines of patterns are very clear. It can be regarded as a treasure. At present, the investment market of Guangxu Yuanbao silver coin is very hot and the market is soaring. It is extremely rare and has great investment value and collection value!





