时间:2021-03-07 13:04 来源:东方文艺网 作者:风中的自由 点击:次
高:12cm 口径约8.6cm 此一件宋代风格的青瓷秘色釉绞丝纹三足炉是一件当代精美的工艺品。它制作精良,形态美观,图纹华丽,是我国古代文化遗产中的瑰宝 。青瓷是中国陶瓷中最庞大的家族,历史悠久。宽泛一点说,商代已有原始青瓷现身,成为瓷器的鼻祖。 青瓷的重要性在于,是中国陶瓷发展史的必由之路。是陶瓷的青春期,散发着青春的气息,洋溢着来自于内部的诱惑。使陶瓷充满了表现力,使表现力充满了张力,使张力充满了诱惑力,使诱惑力变成艺术和市场的魅力。 这个魅力在唐至两宋,统领江山。从科学意义上讲,宋代五大名窑除定窑外,汝、官、哥、钧都属青瓷,只是青出于蓝而胜于蓝。还有那些相传千年的秘色瓷、柴窑,仅名称就能演绎一部神奇的故事。 “自古陶重青品”。深沉、优雅、含蓄是青瓷美学的境界。这样高的陶瓷美学境界在今天看来仍是不可企及的高度,单用一个色彩作为表现手段,青瓷在古往今来的各色瓷器中无疑是魁首。 此一件青瓷秘色釉三足炉是宋代时期重要的精美艺术品,它造型美观,炉身小巧玲珑 ,图案精美 雍容华贵 也代表了当时拥有者的尊宠地位。是一件难得的稀有珍品,历史价值 经济价值更是不可估量。 This is a Song Dynasty style celadon secret color glaze twisted wire pattern three-legged stove is a contemporary exquisite crafts. It is well-made, beautiful shape, gorgeous patterns, is the treasure of China's ancient cultural heritage. Celadon is the largest family of Chinese ceramics with a long history. Broadly speaking, the Shang Dynasty has a primitive celadon emerged as the originator of porcelain. Celadon's importance lies in, is the Chinese ceramics development history only way. Is the ceramic puberty, is sending out the youth breath, is permeating comes from the internal enticement. So that the performance of ceramic full of tension, tension full of temptation, so that the temptation into art and the charm of the market. This charm from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, dominated the country. Scientifically speaking, the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, except for Ding ware, were celadon porcelain. There are those handed down for thousands of years of secret color porcelain, firewood kiln, just the name can deduce a magical story. "The ancient pottery resets the green product" . Deep, elegant and reserved is the realm of Celadon aesthetics. Such a high level of ceramic aesthetics in today's view is still unattainable height, with a single color as a means of expression, celadon in ancient and modern porcelain in all colors is undoubtedly the first. This three-legged Celadon glazed furnace is an important fine art work in the Song Dynasty. It is beautiful in shape, small and exquisite in body, exquisite in design, elegant and magnificent, and also represents the status of the owner at that time. Is a rare treasure, historical value, economic value is inestimable. 此件精美藏品将会在新加坡大型拍卖会参加竞拍。拍卖行程拟定安排: 拍卖地点:新加坡龙都大酒店(Rendezvous Hotel Singapore) 时间:2021年4月 30日(新加坡时间)
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